English content
Emergence agitation | David Costi at SSAI2017
Alcohol and treatment in the ICU | Johanna Hästbacka at SSAI2017
Is there a place for colloids in resuscitation of the critically ill? | Peter Bentzer at SSAI2017
Pre-operative fasting – to be or not to be? | Peter Frykholm at SSAI2017
The Unconscious Patient – 10 Ways to Improve Management (SWE)
When good doctors behave badly – part 1
Prognosis in TBI – a hard nut to crack
Extreme acidosis – how low can you go?
SWEETs17 ST-dag recap
Första dagen är till ända och våra hjärnor är proppfulla med ny kunskap och nya erfarenheter! SWEETs FOAM-team består av Mads Astvad och Sandra Viggers från scanfoam.org, Thomas Dolven från scancrit.com, Jonas Willmer från akutmottagningen.com och Julia Sheffield ordförande i SWESEMjr.…
Das Teaching Course in Copenhagen – The what, why, how?
Camilla Goes To #TTCNYC16
At scanFOAM we love SoMe and all of our “internet friends”, so much so that we want our “real life friends” to meet our “internet friends” when opportunities arise. Therefore, Camilla stood no chance after a few times having said…
The Teaching Course NYC DAY 2 #TTCNYC16
Innovation and the millennial learner It will come as no surprise that innovation is a topic at The Teaching Course. The faculty behind The Teaching Course are truly first movers and innovative educators so having Christopher Doty kick off the day with the importance…