Jonathan Ilicki is back with a bedtime story for new docs about oxygen-induced hypercapnia
Lyt med når vi i denne episode går i dybden med det akutte sectio, igen med Kim Ekelund som vores gæsteekspert
Lyt med, når vi i Anæstesi A-Z tager fat på anæstesi til elektivt sectio. Med udgangspunkt i DASAIMs vejledning går vi i dybden med Kim Ekelund med som gæsteekspert.
Her en gennemgang af UL protokol til COVID-19 patienter. Grundig og trinvis introduktion for dig i frontlinjen, der skal anvende ultralyd til scanning af lunger, hjerte og til procedurer.
Særlige forhold for fødende under COVID-19 som du skal kende som anæstesilæge. Baseret på de engelske guidlines fra RCoA og deres OAA udvalg.
A shout-out to the InterAnest project where Robin Lundén is building amazing video tutorials on clinical procedures.
Velkommen til indholdet fra etikdagen i Kolding i 2018.
Is ultrasound as good, or even better, than CxR to rule out pneumothorax and verify tip placement after CVC placement? Sandra's done the deep dive to answer the question.
Hear from Richard Lyon how dismal outcomes in the cardiac arrest population in Scotland were dramatically improved not by singular fancy technology, but by a system's approach with attention to every detail.
Jim DuCanto talks about managing the soiled airway at The Big Sick 2018
Geir Strandenes with an opinionated talk on the history and future of prehospital blood transfusion practice at The Bick Sick in Zermatt.
Samuel Tisherman, at The Big Sick 2018 in Zermatt, talks about deep hypothermia as a temporizing means in otherwise refractory traumatic cardiac arrest patients.
Brian Burns talks about the systemic and organisational efforts put into achieving high performance teams at the Sydney HEMS service.