Your presentations
probably fail
At least, so do most presentations in medicine as we consistently bore our audiences to sleep with endless data-heavy slides, unclear messaging and poor delivery
Why is it so?
For one, most of us never received any formal training or feedback when it comes to presenting. With no clear focus on the issue, it has become accepted as norm that most lectures are of poor quality
In a profession that spends endless hours in pre- and postgraduate education, this lack of efficiency in conveying ideas literally costs lives and is fundamentally unacceptable
Public speaking probably scares you
A lot of us find it frightening to get up and speak in front of others, even just close family
Add to that a touch of imposter syndrome and perceived peer pressure and it’s understandable why so many dread giving medical presentations in front of colleagues
It doesn’t have to feel like that
Being able to deliver a great talk is a teachable skill, not some magic gift bestowed on a select few at birth
Jerry Seinfeld used to fail too
Be the change
If you recognize any of the above and like us are keen to see medical teaching change for the better, you might want to invest time in improving your teaching skills to the benefit of your many future audiences and yourself.
While there are loads of books and online resources on the topic (this blog post has some ideas and pointers to further reading), the ideal way to learn is dedicated time with a master of the profession, workshopping issues and solutions.
Meet Ross

We can think of no better first step than time with presentation wizard Ross Fisher. Ross is widely acknowledged for his long standing commitment to improving presentations in medicine and has done hundreds of workshops and dozens of keynote talks on the topic at international level. Find more about him and his P cubed framework at his presentation website and his presence on X (twitter), and check out previous material from Ross including talks and webinars here on scanFOAM.
Ross is a paediatric surgeon in Sheffield on his day job and an honorary professor and thus knows the struggle from his own life in academic medicine. He is in a key position to addresss the underlying issues in our field.
Ross has done similar workshops for us in Copenhagen twice before to rave reviews. COVID has sadly forced a rather long hiatus, so we are thrilled to finally welcome him back. Speaking from personal experience, it is quite a transformative experience. There is definitely a time before you meet Mr Fisher, and a time after.
What you get
The offer is for a full-day, intimate workshop in lovely, boutique SOHO in the old meat packing district in central Copenhagen. Seating is capped at 50 and is expected to sell out quickly.
The course will be in English and we welcome international participants who will have the added enjoyment of visiting Copenhagen in all its Xmas splendour
There will be snacks and beverages through-out and a full varied buffet for lunch with vegetable options.

The preliminary programme is seen here. A higher res pdf version is available here.
The venue will be open to meet and greet from 0830. There will be coffee and light breakfast available.

There is an option to sign up for a post-course dinner which will be at french-style bistro Je t’aime next door to SOHO. It is a very relaxed place to decompress and socialise after a full day.
This will be payment on site at 495DKK for a 3 course dinner excluding beverages.
Take the red pill?
The price for the workshop including everything during the day, but excluding the optional dinner is
3125 DKK including VAT
Reverse charge applies to EU customers outside DK
Sign up
Begin your journey to better presentations and a happier life in medicine
The form takes your information. You will receive an invoice. Registration is not complete till we receive your payment.
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