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About this series

This has been a collaborative effort between many parties and volunteers. First and foremost, we wish to thank all the speakers who were kind and trusting enough to grant permission to share their talks as video or slideset.

We wish to thank the organizing committee, SFAI and SSAI for supporting the idea of building an online presence for their content. The scanFOAM team believes in the power of online knowledge exchange and professional networking and hope to help improve the standard thereof.
All the material is released as Free Open Acces Meducation.

Before you go, don’t forget to:

  • share widely
  • comment below and join the #FOAMed conversation in general
  • connect with the scanFOAM project and team on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or write us an old fashioned email
  • get the new stuff via the newsletter (sign up on frontpage) or via RSS
  • connect with SSAI on Twitter and Facebook

About this series

This has been a collaborative effort between many parties and volunteers. First and foremost, we wish to thank all the speakers who were kind and trusting enough to grant permission to share their talks as video or slideset.

We wish to thank the organizing committee, SFAI and SSAI for supporting the idea of building an online presence for their content. The scanFOAM team believes in the power of online knowledge exchange and professional networking and hope to help improve the standard thereof.
All the material is released as Free Open Acces Meducation.

Before you go, don’t forget to:

  • share widely
  • comment below and join the #FOAMed conversation in general
  • connect with the scanFOAM project and team on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or write us an old fashioned email
  • get the new stuff via the newsletter (sign up on frontpage) or via RSS
  • connect with SSAI on Twitter and Facebook
Mads Astvad

Scandinavian paediatric anaesthetist / intensivist.
Digital MedEd
Co-organiser CphCC & TBS-Zermatt (aka The Big Sick)
Medical lead REPEL (resilience in pediatric emergency life support)
Web dev

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