We’re thrilled to bring you this content from the 34th biennial meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Anaesthesia and Intensive care
The content is listed by day and filed under session names below (original pdf programme)
Some talks feature a video and slides, others just the slides.
- Timely and adequate allocation of prehospital medical assistance to cardiac arrest patients – how to do it? Theresa Olasvengen
- How to optimize care for the cardiac arrest patient in the prehospital setting? Jacob Hollenberg
- PRO: Should we transport patients in cardiac arrest to the hospital or stay on scene? Sten Rubertsson
- CON: Should we transport patients in cardiac arrest to the hospital or stay on scene? Hans Friberg
- Prehospital ECMO – when and how? Lionel Lamhaut
- TAP blockade – what’s new? Jens Børglum
- Update on regional anaesthesia for breast surgery Michael Herrick
- When is it safe to do regional anaesthesia? Christian Fenger-Eriksen
- Bleeding in paediatric surgery – case presentations Birgitta Romlin
- When not to simplify haemostasis management – case presentations Anna Ågren
- Critical bleeding – state of the art Jakob Stensballe
- The essential prerequisites for any quality register: data quality Reidar Kvåle
- How to use quality register data for quality improvement Matti Reinikainen
- Differences between Nordic quality registers Steffen Christensen
- Using quality registers for research Carolina Samuelsson
- Ketamine analgesia – current practice and emerging concepts Jan Persson
- Ketamine anaesthesia – mechanisms and current practice Jonas Åkeson
- Ketamine – clinical use in major depression Mats Lindström
- The Swedish Perioperative Register (SPOR) Claes Magelus
- Using quality registers to improve perioperative outcomes – an international perspective Rubert Pearse
- Using SPOR data to improve patient care Gunnar Enlund
- Long time survival and morbidity after CRRT Claire Rimes-Stigare
- Postoperative AKI Max Bell
- Earlier vs later CRRT Johan Mårtensson
- The RRT catheter – placement comes first Miklós Lipcsey
- Phosphate and magnesium ions in critical illness Marcus Broman
- Experiences from the Paris attacks Nov 13th 2015 Pierre Carli
- Experiences from the Brussels attacks March 22nd 2016 Elkana Keersebilck
- What should I know about chemical weapons? Nina Sjöblom Widfeldt
- Major incidents – what can we learn from them? Sabina Fattah
Safe and effective surgery – everyone’s job? Rubert Pearse
- Introduction to the concept “Perioperative” Sven Erik Gisvold
- Why perioperative medicine? How it changes outcome Rubert Pearse
- What are we doing about it? Inspiring and implementing change Anna Cedborg
- SAFETOTS Torsten Lauritsen
- Web-based learning in paediatric anaesthesia – an educational project from ESPA and SSAI Mathias Johansen
- Introduction Christian Rylander
- Multiple interventions in the ICU – are they worthwhile? Janet Froulund Jensen
- ICU delirium – critical factors and liberation bundles Pratik Pandharipande
- Can we identify vulnerable ICU patients in need of support after ICU discharge? Anna Milton
- What you get is what you ask for – a specific follow-up questionnaire Johan Malmgren
- Promoting patient safety outside the operating or intensive care room Sven Erik Gisvold
- Reducing hospital mortality by systematic early warning scoring Gitte Bunkenborg
- Medical emergency teams – do they matter? Andreas Hvarfner
- The challenge of new party drugs Kai Knudsen
- The American opioid crisis Brian Sites
- How to relax before and after rapid sequence induction Malin Johnsson Fagerlund
- Current and future paediatric use of ultra-long acting local anaesthetics Joseph Cravero
Big data vs the RCT Derek Angus
- Post-discharge pain management in out-patient surgery. Old problem, new solutions Anil Gupta
- Post-discharge issues beyond pain in out-patient surgery Johan Raeder
- PRO: Should definition of day surgery be extended to 24 hours admission? Johan Ræder
- CON: Should definition of day surgery be extended to 24 hours admission? Anil Gupta
- Alcohol and treatment in the ICU Johanna Hästbacka
- Nonsedation – experimental or routine? Palle Toft
- Antibiotics – the right dose, to the right patient, right now! Fredrik Sjövall
- The role of the anaesthesiologist in ERAS Narinder Rawal
- The role of the ERAS society Olle Ljungqvist
- What are the optimal paO2 and paCO2 targets during and after cardiac arrest? Markus Skrifvars
- Prolonged or deeper cooling after cardiac arrest Hans Kirkegaard
- Lessons from the TTM trial and planning for the next Niklas Nielsen
A professor’s view on patient safety Hans Rutberg
- The SSAI pain educational programme through 15 years Niels-Henrik Jensen
- Acute pain after surgery – lessons learned from the last decade Stephan Schug
- Perioperative opioid treatment – the crucial importance of timing Audun Stubhaug
- Acute neuropathic pain Stephan Schug
General or regional anaesthesia in orthopaedic surgery Andreas Harsten
- How to conduct high-quality clinical research? Anders Perner
- Challenges in clinical research Niklas Nielsen
- Why are most clinical research findings not spectacular? Morten Hylander Møller
- Does clinical research help me take care of my patient? Derek Angus
- Intraoperative determinants of postoperative decline in renal function Peter Noordzij
- Fluids at the PACU – the easy way out? Max Bell
- Diuresis – facts, fiction and future Mareike Körber
Day 3
- Physiology and pathophysiology of ARDS and conventional ventilator therapy Jon Henrik Laake
- Adjuvant therapy and advanced mechanical ventilation Steen Christensen
- VV-ECMO – indications and concerns Jacob Greisen
- Prehospital Echo Per Bredmose
- New monitoring techniques to assess composition of aleolar gas Emilie Krite Svanberg
- Anaesthesia to liver transplanted patients and patients with liver disease Anna Januszkiewicz
- Update on GUCH for anaesthesiologists Ulf Thilén
- Is perioperative screening for OSAS needed? Malin Johnsson Fagerlund
- Perioperative treatment of sleep apnoea Karl Franklin
- Sepsis-3 Derek Angus
- Cooling of sepsis patients Morten Bestle
- New diagnostic tools in sepsis Adam Linder
- Coagulopathy in sepsis – the do’s and don’ts Nicole Juffermans
- Young brains and anaesthesia – how big are the risks? Pia Glatz
- Chronic postoperative surgical pain in children Ulla Caverius
- Big data in paediatric anaesthesiology Joseph Cravero
- Prevention of AKI in infants undergoing CHD surgery – an RCT Elin Tholacius
- Haemodynamic management in liver surgery Lena Sand Bown
- Right atrial pressure as backpressure for venous return Per Möller
- The SUP-ICU score Søren Marker
- Anaesthesia for endovascular treatment in acute ischaemic stroke Mads Rasmussen
- No ventilation – yet full oxygenation Åse Lödenius
- Does anaesthesia promote development of dementia? Christina Eintrei
- Pre-operative fasting – to be or not to be? Peter Frykholm
- The SSAI ICM programme – present and future perspectives Gisli Sigurdsson
- How did my participation in the SSAI ICM programme affect my professional career? Christian Rylander
- Needle phobia Allan Cyna
- Emergence agitation David Costi
About this series

This has been a collaborative effort between many parties and volunteers. First and foremost, we wish to thank all the speakers who were kind and trusting enough to grant permission to share their talks as video or slideset.
We wish to thank the organizing committee, SFAI and SSAI for supporting the idea of building an online presence for their content. The scanFOAM team believes in the power of online knowledge exchange and professional networking and hope to help improve the standard thereof.
All the material is released as Free Open Acces Meducation.