
Talks from the 34th iteration of the biannual Scandinavian conference for anaesthesia and intensive care, in Malmö, Sweden.

We’re thrilled to bring you this content from the 34th biennial meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Anaesthesia and Intensive care 


The content is listed by day and filed under session names below (original pdf programme)
Some talks feature a video and slides, others just the slides.


Prehospital cardiac care – what can we do to improve survival?
Ultrasound-guided nerve blocks and effects of regional anaesthesia
News in coagulation
Improving outcome through audit and quality register – A Scandinavian perspective
Asmund Laerdal Memorial Lecture
Ketamine – current practice and emerging concepts
Data driven perioperative quality improvement – the new frontier!
Acute kidney injury
Mass casualties
Critical conditions in a global perspective
Martin Holmdahl Lecture
Perioperative medicine saves lives – why, how, and what are YOU doing about it?
Paediatric anaesthesia and web-based learning
Prehospital emergency critical care and trauma


Life after critical illness – what can we do to make it better?
OR management
Earlier detection and management of clinical deterioration – a matter of patient safety
Advances in pharmacology and toxicology I – use, abuse and misuse
Basics and secrets of protective ventilation
Torsten Gordh State-of-the-Art Lecture
News in out-patient anaesthesia
Preparing medical students for rapid bedside action
Advances in pharmacology and toxicology II
Controversies in fluid therapy
Fast track surgery I
Expanding borders in cardiac arrest trials
What could we all learn from recent scandals in health care?
Acute pain
Fast track surgery II
Clinical research – from idea to publication to implementation
Postoperative diuresis – should we even care?

Day 3

Acta Session – scientific concerns
What’s new in Caesarean?
Update in clinical monitoring
History of Scandinavian anaesthesia and intensive care medicine
Anaesthesia and ever less uncommon conditions
Perioperative management of patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS)
Oxygen fraction during surgery
Critical infections
Basic science and recent findings in Scandinavian obstetric anaesthesia research
Perioperative management and long-term outcome in paediatric anaesthesia
Presentation by recipients of research grants and scientific awards
Hot topics in anaesthesia
The SSAI ICM training programme – why is anaesthesia not enough?
Psychological aspects in paediatric anaesthesia

About this series

This has been a collaborative effort between many parties and volunteers. First and foremost, we wish to thank all the speakers who were kind and trusting enough to grant permission to share their talks as video or slideset.

We wish to thank the organizing committee, SFAI and SSAI for supporting the idea of building an online presence for their content. The scanFOAM team believes in the power of online knowledge exchange and professional networking and hope to help improve the standard thereof.
All the material is released as Free Open Acces Meducation.

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