The whole of TBS was livestreamed.
You can find all the talks below. The links will take you to a page with the talk, slides and notes.
You can also find the full unedited livestreams here and on the scanFOAM YouTube channel. The YouTube descriptions have timestamps.
0800-0830 Welcome to TBS
Hypoxic adaptation
Hugh Montgomery
Microvascular oxygen delivery
Knut Kvernebo
Early resuscitation of the septic patient
Jean Louis Vincent
Precision vent management
Sara Crager
Stop complaining and train! About the news in resuscitation ultrasound
Domagoj Damjanović
RSI in adult patient: what about ventilation
Alexandre Jeleff
Ultrasound in critical care
Felix Lorang , Victoria Vatsvåg, Nils Petter Oveland and Aurelia Hübner
The Airway 2023
Michael Selz Kristensen, Søren Steeman Rudolph, Michael Friis Tvede … and friends
We relocate to the restaurant for all-evening workshop including the renowned airway workshop extravaganza, a workshop on pleural drainage and VR enhanced REBOA training.
Rescuing the right ventricle
Sara Crager
Technologies for assessment of circulatory failure
Knut Kvernebo
Frontier insights
Oliver Kreuzer and friends
Data in Emergency Medicine
Michael Heller, Corpuls (COI: TBS sponsor)
1000-1200 TRAUMA Pt. 1 and PRESENTATION
Misunderstanding the pelvic fracture
Gunnar Sandesjöö
Emergency Airways: Priorities Not Algorithms
Rich Levitan
The Timeline of Lifesaving Interventions
Stacy Shackelford
Presentations – the science of why we fail
Ross Fisher
Ross Fisher
Presentation masterclass
1700-1900 TRAUMA Pt. 2
Challenging concepts in trauma – straight to the heart
London and Wales HEMS session
Samy Sadek, Zane Perkins, Robbie Lendrum, Joe Steer and Mike Palmer
2000- DINNER
0800-1000 EXTREMES Pt. 1
The future emergency room
Jean Louis Vincent
Extremes of oxygen delivery in children
Jacob Karlsson
Sudden death & prolonged survival on immersion in cold water: lessons for rescue & resuscitation
Mike Tipton
Helicopter rescue
Gerold Biner
1030-1200 EXTREMES Pt. 2
Simulation as an extreme environment to train elite providers
Luca Carenzo
The end of the thread
Vahe Ender
A Climate to Fear
Hugh Montgomery
On Friday afternoon we relocate to the Air Zermatt base facilities for mountain rescue workshops and demos.
Alexandre Jeleff is a senior physician in anesthesia and intensive care at the University Hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland. He graduated in emergency medicine and intensive care from Paris – Pierre et Marie Curie Faculty of Medicine, France. He first worked in pre-hospital medicine with a particular interest in the initial management of the severe trauma patient. When he arrived in Switzerland, he completed his training in anaesthesia in a department allowing him to practice in different sectors such as emergency operating room, major digestive surgery (Liver Transplantation and hepato-biliary surgeries) and orthopaedic surgery. He is passionate about pharmacology, convinced that its proper application is one of the keys to an individualized approach to patient care. He is particularly involved in teaching and improving ventilation and airway management in the operating room and participates as a presenter at the annual FLAVA (Fondation Latine des Voies Aériennes) conference. Trained in medical hypnosis, he participates in awake thyroid surgery and neurosurgery. He is also one of the authors of the French Free Open Access to Medical education (FOAMed) blog, blockchoc.org.
Dr. Domagoj Damjanovic is an EMT and an anaesthesia, critical care and prehospital emergency medicine specialist. He is a consultant in cardiosurgical critical care, a member of the prehospital extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation unit, and an in-house transplant coordinator at the University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany. He is involved in translational and clinical resuscitation research and clinical simulation training, including eCPR-simulation. Domagoj is a passionate medical educator, co-founder of dasFOAM.org, of point of care ultrasound teaching at his med school and an international training initiative on ultrasound guided peripheral vascular access. Currently, he is working on educational programs in PoCUS for prehospital care providers, both physicians and non-physicians. Domagoj is a first aid educator and supports regional initiatives to improve basic life support such as “Löwen Retten Leben”, a Kids Save Lives campaign, and “Region der Lebensretter”, a smartphone-based rescuer activation system.
Gunnar Sandersjöö was educated at Karolinska Institutet, combined with studying surgical electives at Vanderbilt University, USA, and received his medical degree in 1989. He completed his specialist training in Orthopaedic surgery at the Karolinska hospital and from the mid 1990’s focused on orthopaedic trauma in the polytrauma setting. He has since subspecialized in spinal and pelvic trauma. Gunnar Sandersjöö is presently the head of the Department of Trauma Acute surgery and Orthopaedic at Karolinska University Hospital, the largest trauma center in Sweden. He is also a board member of OTC (Osteosynthesis and Trauma Care Foundation) and member of the medical board for SLAO (Swedish Ski areas Industri Association).
Gunnar is a lecturer at Karolinska Institutet medical student program, he is participating in Scandinavian orthopaedic specialist training programs and international Trauma conferences, mainly regarding the early stages in trauma and pelvic fractures. He is also a lecturer in Mountain medicine with the focus on the trauma setting. Apart from the interest in the emergency settings, he and his is collaborators at the Trauma Center Karolinska (TCK) are now focusing on the follow up and studies of the long-term results among trauma patients.
Hugh obtained a 1st class BSc (cardiorespiratory Physiology/ Neuropharmacology) in 1984, his medical Degree (1987) and his MDRes in 1997. He completed specialist training in General Internal Medicine/Cardiology/Intensive Care Medicine (ICM), and is now a consultant Intensivist in London, and Professor of Intensive Care Medicine at University College London (UCL) where he also directs the Centre for Human Health and Performance. He has published >550 scientific research articles and has won >8 national and international awards. He is perhaps best known for his discovery (reported in 1998) of ‘the first gene for human fitness’. During the 2020-21 Covid pandemic, he sat on the council of the Uk Intensive Care Society, where he led external relations. He chaired the UK Covid Critical Care Committee. Hugh chaired the two Lancet Commissions on Human Health and Climate Change, and now co-chairs the 35-institition 27-country Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change. He has written and lectured extensively on the subject, and has briefed policymakers nationally and internationally, He was appointed to the post of London Leader by Greater London Authority’s Sustainable Development Commission, attended many of the international ‘COP’ negotiations, and led the children’s climate education ‘Project Genie’. He was awarded an OBE in 2022 for his leadership in ICU and also Climate Change.
Jacob is a consultant pediatric anesthetist and intensivist at Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital, Karolinska University Hospital Stockholm Sweden. He earned his medical degree from Uppsala University and has completed fellowship training in pediatric anesthesia at Birmingham Children’s Hospital, UK as well as fellowship and consultant work in pediatric cardiac anesthesia and intensive care at The Freeman Hospital, Newcastle UK. He earned his PhD at The Karolinska Institute in 2019 and is currently supervising PhD students on several translational projects focusing on improving hemodynamic monitoring in children, alongside his clinical work. His research group has developed a new non-invasive method for cardiac output and mixed venous oxygen saturation monitoring. Jacob has recently moved back to Sweden after a post-doctoral year at Montreal Children’s Hospital, McGill University in Canada. Besides enjoying long winters in Sweden, he now mixes clinical work with research. He has an extensive interest in teaching and training and is one of the founding fathers of the evolving SAFETOTS podcast series, spreading the message of safe anesthesia for children globally.
Dr. Vincent is Professor of intensive care at the University of Brussels, and intensivist in the Department of Intensive Care at the Erasme University Hospital in Brussels. He is President of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine (WFSICCM) and a Past-President of the Belgian Society of Intensive Care Medicine (SIZ), the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), the European Shock Society (ESS), and the International Sepsis Forum (ISF). He is member of the Royal Medical Academy of Belgium.Dr. Vincent has signed more than 1000 original articles, some 400 book chapters and review articles, 930 original abstracts, and has edited 99 books. He is co-editor of the Textbook of Critical Care (Elsevier Saunders) and the “Encyclopedia of Intensive Care Medicine” (Springer). He is the editor-in-chief of “Critical Care,” “Current Opinion in Critical Care,” and “ICU Management” and member of the editorial boards of about 30 other journals (including senior editor of Critical Care Medicine). He received several awards: the Distinguished Investigator Award of the Society of Critical Care Medicine, the College Medalist Award of the American College of Chest Physicians; he was the Recipient of the “Society Medal” (lifetime award) of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine and has received the prestigious Belgian scientific award of the FRS-FNRS (Prix Scientifique Joseph Maisin-Sciences biomédicales cliniques).
Joe is a dedicated flight Paramedic working for London’s Air Ambulance. Within this role he has gained a vast experience in delivering advanced trauma care early in a patient’s journey as well as the nuances of clinician guided dispatch of an advanced trauma team in an urban environment. This experience has built upon 14 years working within the National Health Service in varying prehospital roles including ambulance, solo response and most recently clinical team manager. Within this role Joe responds to complex incidents to support and manage ambulance clinicians to deliver world class care.
Professor Knut Kvernebo is a certified vascular and cardio-thoracic surgeon.He is a professor of Cardio-thoracic surgery at the University of Oslo since 25 years. His main research interests are microvascular hemodynamics and clinical microcirculation (> 100 scientific papers; 10 international book chapters; supervised 15 PhD projects). He is also the founder and CMO of ODI medical AS (a company developing technologies for bed side microvascular examinations). He has ongoing research collaborations with Massachusetts General Hospital, Cleveland Clinic, NYU Langone, Flinders University Australia as well as the University College of London.
Michael is consultant anaesthesiologist at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, where he primarily does orthopaedic and ENT anaesthesia as well as in- and prehospital critical care. He is HEMS consultant and Base Clinical Lead for the Ringsted HEMS base with the Danish Air Ambulance and has experience with tactical EMS as well. Online medical education and communication is within Michaels span of interests, and he is responsible for hosting and maintaining several websites (airwaymanagement.dk, cphcc.dk, hems.dk, akut.dk, hazmat.dk, burns.dk, cipac.dk, paediatrictraumasymposium.dk and more) with internal and external medical content. Together with paediatric anesthesiology consultant at Rigshospitalet Morten Bøttger, Michael has made the very well rated CoPE Copenhagen Paediatric Emergency app available for iOS and Android users.
Michael is a CLINICIAN !! ….handling patients with all sorts of AIRWAY-challenges at the Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet – referral center for Ear-Nose-Throat- /Maxillo-Facial-/Trauma- and Cancer- patients in the Capital Region of Denmark. Michaels professional dedication is optimizing the MANAGING OF THE DIFFICULT AIRWAY in all its aspects and different settings and he drives continuous research, development and international collaboration all over the world. He is heading the annual Scandinavian, international, course “Airwaymanagement for Anaesthesiologists” backed by the webpage www.airwaymanagement.dk, offering free educational resources. Michael is a member of the Board of Directors of both EAMS (European Airway Management Society, past president) and SAM (Society for Airway Management, USA) and co-editor of the new textbook “Core Topics in Airway Management!” that summons up what a clinician really needs in 2023 in order to safely manage the airway of his patients. When not working, then skiing, snowboarding, kite-surfing and Scuba-diving are among Michael’s favorite activities.
Mike has 12 years experience working for the National Health Service. He obtained his degree at St George’s University Hospital, London. Currently he is a Critical Care Practitioner for the Welsh Air Ambulance. Throughout Mikes career he has been on the Tactical Response Unit and the Hazardous Area Response Team for the London Ambulance Service. These teams responded to the London Bridge attacks, Westminster and Grenfell tower. Mike gained experience as a flight paramedic for the London’s Air Ambulance, which gave him a wide range of trauma experience in an urban setting. Now flying HEMS in Wales, Mike is gaining additional medical critical care practice, different trauma mechanisms and critical care retrieval transfers. Mike has a particular interest in pre-hospital ultrasound and has been involved in the delivery of training for UK HEMS. He has a real passion for sports, psychological performance and well-being.
Professor MIke Tipton has worked at the University of Surrey and University of Portsmouth. In addition, he was based at the Institute of Naval Medicine (INM) from 1983 to 2004 and was Consultant Head of the Environmental Medicine Division of the INM from 1996. He has published over 700 scientific papers, reports, chapters and books in his research areas of drowning, thermoregulation, environmental and occupational physiology, and survival in the sea. Professor Tipton is a Trustee/Director of Surf Lifesaving GB, a member of the Council of the RNLI as well as a Consultant to the Medical Director of the RNLI. He has been a consultant in survival and thermal medicine to the Royal Air Force, UKSport and the English Institute of Sport (EIS). He chaired UKSport’s Research Advisory Group and sat on the EIS Scientific and Ethics Advisory Group. Prof Tipton as edited several scientific journals and is currently Editor-in-Chief of The Physiological Society’s journal “Experimental Physiology”. Prof Tipton is a visiting Professor at King’s College, London, and an Adjunct Professor at Waterford Institute of Technology. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine and The Physiological Society. He was awarded his MBE for services to physiological research in extreme environments; the Ireland Medal for saving lives from drowning worldwide; and the H&L Swiftwater rescue lifetime achievement award from the USA.
Dr. Levitan was in the first class of Emergency Medicine residents at Bellevue Hospital in NYC (1990-1994). Frustrated with his training and skills in emergency airway management, he began a thirty year obsession with airway imaging, research, and education. He worked at inner city level 1 trauma centers in NYC (Bellevue, Lincoln Hospitals) and Philadelphia (Penn, Einstein, Jefferson) for twenty three years before working for ten years at critical care access hospital in rural New Hampshire amd Colorado.. He regularly teaches airway procedure courses about the US and around the world, and is perhaps best known for his monthly Baltimore cadaver course, which ran monthly for twenty years. He has developed airway devices and holds approximately twenty patents. He did initial lab investigations and product development of many products now in widespread use, specifically the I-gel, the AMBU A-Scope, the I-View. He pioneered and studied many airway techniques now in common practice including: epiglottoscopy, bimanual laryngoscopy, ear-to-sternal notch positioning, the laryngeal handshake, and nasal oxygenation during efforts securing a tube (NO DESAT). When not looking at the larynx he likes being in the mountains.
Robbie has worked with London’s Air Ambulance since 2012. Alongside his role as a Consultant in Pre-Hospital Care, he is also a Consultant in Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Critical Care at Bart’s Health. He is passionate about developing, delivering and conducting research into innovative pre-hospital resuscitation strategies and treatments, to improve the outcomes for our patients suffering from major trauma in London, the UK and internationally.
Ross is Consultant Paediatric Surgeon at Sheffield Children’s Hospital, Sheffield UK. His area of speciality is paediatric surgical oncology. He is an Honorary Professor of Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians of Canada in recognition of his work in medical education and particularly around presentation skills. He firmly believes that science is not complete until it is effectively communicated and sadly, through ignorance of simple educational and psychological principles of communication, the work of many clinicians, scientists and academics remain incomplete. His alter ego @ffolliet runs a website explaining the “p cubed concept” of presentations that he has developed, dedicated to improving scientific communication. He is invited nationally and internationally to deliver lectures and workshops on the topic. He learnt to ski aged 12 on a dry ski slope in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Sam works as a consultant in emergency medicine at The Royal London Hospital and in pre-hospital Care with London’s Air Ambulance. He also leads clinical governance at Essex and Herts Air Ambulance, our charity’s neighbouring network. His particular interests include education, innovation and endovascular resuscitation. He led the REBOA project together with others at London’s Air Ambulance and aims to work across industries to innovate this and other procedures. Having flown with many different air ambulances, Sam has found a love for the culture of these close knit teams and a passion for training them to perform in unpredictable and stressful situations. Out of work Sam loves spending time with his family and occasionally sneaks away to his other great love, the mountains, on his bike or snowboard.
Sandra got her medical degree from NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). She is currently specializing in anesthesia and intensive care, and is also an Assistant Professor at Stavanger University, mainly teaching in the bachelor’s program for paramedicine. Before starting her medical specialization, she gained experience working in several rural and austere environments, in both Africa and India, but perhaps most notable is her time in 2020 when she served as Captain in the Norwegian Army at a NATO field hospital in Afghanistan, being trauma team leader, an emergency care physician as well as playing a central part in the hospital’s and military base’s covid response at the time. She has a particular interest in airway management and thinks ultrasound is close to being the best thing since sliced bread
Dr. Sara Crager received her undergraduate degree from McGill University and her medical degree from the Yale School of Medicine. She did her Emergency Medicine residency training at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), and went on to complete a fellowship in Critical Care Medicine at Stanford University. She is currently an Assistant Professor at the UCLA-David Geffen School of Medicine with a joint appointment in the Department of Emergency Medicine and the Department of Anesthesia. She works clinically in the Cardiothoracic and Surgical ICUs at UCLA, and in the Medical ICU at Antelope Valley Medical Center. Dr. Crager co-founded the Stanford Medical Center ED-ICU, and was previously the Medical Director of Early Recognition and Emergency Response for the UCLA-Ronald Regan Medical Center. She spent 10-years working with the NGO Universities Allied for Essential Medicines on improving access to medicines and vaccines, and is currently the Associate Director of the EM:RAP Global Outreach Access+Innovation in Medical Education program that works on improving access to medical education. Dr. Crager is the creator of the EM:RAP ICU Fundamentals series, lectures nationally and internationally, and has won multiple teaching awards.
Colonel Shackelford is the Chief of Defense Health Agency (DHA) Joint Trauma System (JTS) and the first JTS Chief to serve under the DHA governance. Col Shackelford previously served as the JTS Chief of Education and Performance Improvement. Col Shackelford was instrumental in standing up the JTS Committees for Surgical and En Route Combat Casualty Care. She is also known for her contributions to prolonged field care (PFC) and her work in predeployment training. She was awarded the Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care Frank K. Butler award for 2016 for her many contributions to improving military prehospital trauma care. She also received the Joint Service Commendation medal and the Bronze Star. She deployed five times to CENTCOM. During her last three deployments, Col Shackelford served as the forward Joint Theater Trauma System director for Operation Enduring Freedom, managing a team of 24 personnel and coordinating trauma care delivery for three Role 3 and 22 Role 2 surgical facilities throughout Afghanistan. She twice served as the dual-hatted Operation Freedom’s Sentinel trauma system director/Task Force Medical-Afghanistan deputy commander for clinical services. She also led the first CENTCOM prehospital trauma system assessment in Afghanistan in 2012, the CENTCOM trauma system assessment in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2018, and the AFRICOM trauma system assessment in 2019. Prior to joining JTS, Col Shackelford led education and training for the Air Force’s premiere trauma training platform, Center for Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills, University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore. She served as president of the Excelsior Society 2017-2018 and works integrally with the American College of Surgeons as the Region Chief for the US Military, Canadian Military and Veterans Affairs to the Committee on Trauma. Col Shackelford was commissioned through the U.S. Air Force Academy in 1989 and attended medical school at Tulane University, general surgery residency at the University of Utah, and trauma fellowship at the University of Southern California/Los Angeles County. Upon entering active duty, she completed Air Command and Staff College and Air War College and served as Deputy Chief of Medical Staff and Surgical Flight Commander.
Senior Consultant Anesthesiologist, Trauma leader and PHEM doctor from Copenhagen, Denmark. Dedicated to trauma resuscitation, prehospital care and airway management.
Dr. Perkins is a consultant at London’s Air Ambulance and Trauma and General Surgeon at the Royal London Hospital. He studied medicine in Johannesburg, South Africa, where his special interest in the care of the critically injured developed. Since then, he have worked in busy trauma systems both in South Africa and England and have qualifications in Surgery, Anaesthesia and Pre-Hospital Care.
Scandinavian paediatric anaesthetist / intensivist.
Digital MedEd
Co-founder scanFOAM.org
Co-organiser CphCC & TBS-Zermatt (aka The Big Sick)
Medical lead REPEL (resilience in pediatric emergency life support)
Web dev SSAI.info