Find the programme and speaker info below. The conference was livestreamed and you can find links to the stream of each talk in the links below.
The tech gods were not entirely on our side, so there are some glitches that we will fix in the edited recordings that will go out asap
The should, the might and the maybe of current Big Sick evidence
Simon Carley
Sara Crager
Matthew Morgan
Jason van der Velde
Precision in Neonatal Transport
Ian Braithwaite
Mechanical ventilation in pediatric ARDS
Süha Demirakca
The 2024 airway update from the CPH team
Michael Selz Kristensen, Søren Steeman Rudolph, Michael Friis Tvede … and friends
We relocate to the restaurant for evening workshop including the renowned airway workshop extravaganza.
How Kissing A Frog Can Save Your Life
Matthew Morgan
Manual Pressure Augmentation in Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest
David Anderson
The dark blue side of hemodynamics
Domo Damjanovic
Sara Crager
1000-1200 TRAUMA 1
Chris Yap
Experience Learning – lessons from 25 years of ATACC
Mark Forrest and Halden Hutchinson-Bazeley
1700-1830 TRAUMA 2 – London HEMS session
John Chatterjee
Laura Green
Flora Bird
Mamoun Abu Habsa
2000- DINNER
0800-1000 BEHAVIOUR
Ross Fisher
N.J. Koc
Stress and performance – where do we come from and where can we go – if we FEEL like?
Mantas Okas
Lessons from the Challenger disaster
Vahe Ender
1030-1230 EXTREMES
UAS/Drones – Increasing SAR Response Capability
Will Smith
Failure is an option (Journey of an Astronaut Candidate)
Matthieu Komorowski
Gerold Biner
On Friday afternoon we relocate to the Air Zermatt base facilities for mountain rescue workshops and demos.
David Anderson is the Medical Director of Ambulance Victoria – a large jurisdictional ambulance service covering all of Victoria; he is also an intensive care physician at The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne – a quaternary referral centre for heart and lung transplant, ECMO, major trauma and burns; and an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Paramedicine at Monash University. David worked as a paramedic in Auckland, New Zealand before completing medical training at the University of Auckland and then undertaking postgraduate training in intensive care medicine. During postgraduate training he also spent considerable spells working in anaesthesia, palliative medicine and prehospital and retrieval medicine in Auckland, Sydney and Toronto before settling in Melbourne. His clinical interests are prehospital and retrieval medicine, trauma critical care, ECMO, palliative care and bioethics.
Dr. Domagoj Damjanovic is an EMT and an anaesthesia, critical care and prehospital emergency physician. He is a consultant in cardiosurgical critical care, a member of the prehospital extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation unit, and an in-house transplant coordinator at the University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany. He is involved in translational and clinical resuscitation research and clinical simulation training, including eCPR-simulation. Domagoj is a passionate medical educator, co-founder of dasFOAM.org, as well as undergraduate point of care ultrasound education at his med school. He holds several medical teaching awards and a teaching fellowship by the German Stifterverband for a tele-supervision project. Currently, he is working on educational programs in PoCUS for prehospital care providers, both physicians and non-physicians. In his free time, he likes to emit sound waves himself, but within the hearable spectrum. Domagoj is a volunteer first aid educator and supports regional initiatives to improve basic life support such as “Löwen Retten Leben”, a Kids Save Lives campaign, and “Region der Lebensretter”, a smartphone-based rescuer activation system.
For more than 40 years, Gerold Biner has been part of Air Zermatt. Following his apprenticeship as a mechanic at Sion Airport, he started his career with the helicopter company in Upper Valais as a “window cleaner”, as he likes to say. Gerold Biner has been a pilot for 33 years. Over the last 12 years he has played a major role in shaping Air Zermatt as the company’s CEO. With 16,000 flight hours and more than 5,000 rescue operations under his belt, he is one of the world’s most experienced and successful helicopter pilots. He shares his knowledge and wealth of experience in the cockpit around the globe – on the five-thousand-meter peaks of the Himalayas, in the alpine regions of Turkey and of course in his native Valais mountains. As a husband and father of two daughters, flying in his home territory around the Matterhorn is still what he most likes to do, even after all these years. Gerold Biner celebrated his 60th birthday last year, and has decided this is the time to embark on new adventures after handing over the reins to Dani Aufdenblatten. From now on you’ll meet Gerold Biner most likely teaching is vast experience for the Air Zermatt Training Center.
I am an intensive care medicine doctor and pre hospital emergency medicine doctor in the UK. I work in a large, major trauma centre ICU, and I am a HEMS doctor at East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA). I am committed to delivering contemporary and compassionate critical care, and supporting others to do the same, so much of my non-clinical work is education. I am a faculty member at EAAA, where I specialise in endovascular resuscitation techniques. I am also part of the faculty for the international Endovascular Trauma Management (EVTM) society. My main commitment to education is as a deputy medical director for ATACC, where I co-direct the ATACC course. I think the real ‘secret sauce’ of what we do here, is giving people not just the cutting edge knowledge and skills, but also the tools to deliver these things when the chips are down and the stress is on. This is what I hope to share with you all at TBS-24.
Ian has been a paediatric transport nurse for over 20 years. In that time he has worked for 5 different transport teams; in Scotland, England and Australia. He figured out that he wanted to be a transport nurse when he realised that not all patient cubicles had windows and he didn’t want to spend his career in the gloom. Ian is currently an educator for Embrace, the Yorkshire and Humber Infant and Children’s Transport service (UK). Ian helped set up Embrace’s flight service and is passionate about promoting and advocating for standards and safe practice in transport. He founded and runs the EXACT “Exploring Experience in Aeromedical Children’s Transport” Course which helps transport nurses reflect and develop as flight practitioners. One of Ian’s research interests is the sharing of the lived experiences of aeromedical professionals. Ian is married to an amazing Australian trumpet teacher. He loves mountains, and spending time guiding his young son through the Star Wars universe.
Jason is a Prehospital Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Retrieval Physician working as the Clinical Lead for the Irish Health Service Executive’s National 24 hour Emergency Telemedical Support Unit, MEDICO Cork. Based in the Emergency Department in Cork University Hospital, he has a Masters Degree in Disaster Medicine and over 25 years experience providing Prehospital Critical Care around the world. He’s the Medical Director of West Cork Rapid Response and Assistant Medical Director of the Anaesthesia Trauma and Critical Care course. He is the Secretary to the Faculty of Trauma and Critical Care, Royal College of Surgeons of England. and the Vice Chair of the prehospital Emergency Care Council of Ireland.
Dr Mark Forrest is a consultant in anaesthetics, critical care & prehospital care from the North West of England and Associate Medical Director in his NHS Trust. He has over 35 years experience in these fields and has additional experience in aeromedical retrieval (incl. Paeds and ECMO), diving/hyperbaric medicine and tactical medicine. Mark flies as a consultant on Helimed 29 and responds on a day to day basis as a ‘Fire & Rescue Doctor’. He is passionate about trauma and critical care, especially in the prehospital arena and has a specialist interest in vehicle extrication as a Road Traffic Collison Extrication Instructor and Clinical Advisor to the National Fire Service College.
Mark was the first appointed Medical Director for Fire & Rescue in the UK, over 17 years ago and now directs 9 UK Police Forces and 3 Fire and Rescue Services, through the ATACC Group.
Dr Forrest is the Founder and Medical Director of the internationally renowned ATACC course (Anaesthesia Trauma & Critical Care) and he is the First President of the Faculty of Trauma & Critical Care. He is a huge advocate for immersive simulation, unique training and innovation and has written over 20 varied courses for The ATACC group as a Royal College Surgeons (London) Education Centre.
Matt Morgan is a Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine, adjunct Clinical Professor and regular BMJ columnist. He has contributed to >50 scientific articles following his PhD in artificial intelligence including the NEJM, Lancet and JAMA. After appearing on television and radio, he gave the 2023 Woodridge Lecture and was nominated for the Royal Society’s David Attenborough prize for public engagement. His first book CRITICAL tells remarkable stories of patients in the intensive care unit. His second book, ONE MEDICINE, explores how understanding animals can help treat human disease. His third book will look at the lives of patients after surviving a cardiac arrest. His is a member of the BMJ Commission on the Future of the NHS and is the medical advisor for The National Theatre’ in London’s production of “Nye”, the story of Aneurin Bevan. He lives in Cardiff with his family.
Michael is consultant anaesthesiologist at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, where he primarily does orthopaedic and ENT anaesthesia as well as in- and prehospital critical care.
He is HEMS consultant and Base Clinical Lead for the Ringsted HEMS base with the Danish Air Ambulance and has experience with tactical EMS as well.Online medical education and communication is within Michaels span of interests, and he is responsible for hosting and maintaining several websites (airwaymanagement.dk, cphcc.dk, hems.dk, akut.dk, hazmat.dk, burns.dk and more) with internal and external medical content. Together with paediatric anesthesiology consultant at Rigshospitalet Morten Bøttger, Michael has created the very well rated CoPE Copenhagen Paediatric Emergency app, available for iOS and Android users.
Michael closely combines CLINICIAL and SCIENTIFIC work.Handles patients with all sorts of AIRWAY-challenges at the Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet – referral center for Ear-Nose-Throat- /Maxillo-Facial-/Trauma- and Cancer- patients in the Capital Region of Denmark. Michaels professional dedication is optimizing the MANAGING OF THE DIFFICULT AIRWAY in all its aspects and different settings and he drives continuous research, development and international collaboration all over the world. He is heading the annual Scandinavian, international, course “Airwaymanagement for Anaesthesiologists” backed by the webpage www.airwaymanagement.dk, offering free educational resources and cutting-edge publications. Michael is a member of the Board of Directors of both EAMS (European Airway Management Society, past president) and SAM (Society for Airway Management, USA) and co-editor of the new textbook “Core Topics in Airway Management!” that summons up what a clinician really needs in 2024 in order to safely manage the airway of his patients.This year’s developments from Copenhagen include the use of extrathoracic, cuirass, ventilation. http://airwaymanagement.dk/attaching_cuirass_and_ventilating, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bja.2023.07.010 , of infrared light https://doi.org/10.1111/aas.14216 and of many others, that will be demonstrated at TBS24. When not working, then skiing, snowboarding, kite-surfing and Scuba-diving are among Michael’s favorite activities.
Ross is Consultant Paediatric Surgeon at Sheffield Children’s Hospital, Sheffield UK. His area of speciality is paediatric surgical oncology. He is an Honorary Professor of Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians of Canada in recognition of his work in medical education and particularly around presentation skills. He firmly believes that science is not complete until it is effectively communicated and sadly, through ignorance of simple educational and psychological principles of communication, the work of many clinicians, scientists and academics remain incomplete. His alter ego @ffolliet runs a website explaining the “p cubed concept” of presentations that he has developed, dedicated to improving scientific communication. He is invited nationally and internationally to deliver lectures and workshops on the topic. He learnt to ski aged 12 on a dry ski slope in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Professor Simon Carley MB ChB, PGDip, DipIMC (RCS Ed), FRCS (Ed)(1998), FHEA, FAcadMed, FRCEM, FTACC, MPhil, MD, PhD is a Consultant in Adult and Paediatric Emergency Medicine at Manchester NHS Foundation Trust. He is also a Consultant in Enhanced Pre-Hospital Care with North West Air Ambulance and a BASICS doctor with North West Pre-Hospital Critical Care Charity. He is visiting Professor at Manchester Metropolitan University. He is co-founder of the BestBets website and the St.Emlyn’s social media learning platform. He is an Education Associate with the General Medical Council and is an Associate Editor for the Emergency Medicine Journal. He is Dean of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine. His research interests include diagnostics, Medical Education, Major incident management & Evidence based Emergency Medicine. He is on twitter as @EMManchester
Dr. Sara Crager received her undergraduate degree from McGill University and her medical degree from the Yale School of Medicine. She did her Emergency Medicine residency training at UCLA, and went on to complete a Critical Care fellowship at Stanford. Dr. Crager is currently an Assistant Professor at the UCLA-David Geffen School of Medicine with a joint appointment in the Departments of Anesthesia and Emergency. She works clinically in the Cardiothoracic and Surgical ICUs at UCLA, as well as the Medical ICU at Antelope Valley Medical Center. Dr. Crager co-founded the Stanford ED-ICU, and was previously the Medical Director of the UCLA-Ronald Regan Medical Center Rapid Response Team. She is the creator of the EM:RAP ICU Fundamentals series, as well as the emergency critical care FOAMed website ICUedu.org and the ICUedu podcast. Dr. Crager also works with the NGO EM:RAP Global Outreach on improving access to medical education, and is core faculty with the EM:RAP Access+Innovation in Medical Education (AIME) fellowship. She has won multiple teaching awards and lectures nationally and internationally.
Senior consultant anesthesiologist and trauma manager at Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet. Prehospital doctor with the Danish HEMS and Emergency Services Capital Region. Dedicated to airway management and trauma anesthesia. Keen skier and kite surfer.
Süha is a neonatologist, pediatric intensivist, and pediatric pulmonologist. He has been the head of neonatal and pediatric intensive care and pediatric pulmonology departments of the University Childrens Medical Center in Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Germany for 25 years. Currently he is part time senior consultant physician of NICU and PICU in Mannheim. Currently, he is the speaker of the Respiratory Section of German Society of Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care.
He is working for Hamilton Medical AG as Head of Clinical Affairs and Senior Medical Advisor.
Vahe is a Clinical Projects Manager and Critical Care Paramedic at Boston MedFlight, a combined neonatal, pediatric and adult critical care retrieval and trauma team. Additionally, he is a tactical medical provider for a federal special response team, providing medical care in high threat environments. He is actively involved in clinical development, research and quality assurance with a focus on trauma resuscitation, prehospital transfusion and team performance.
Dr. Smith is an EMS and Emergency Medicine physician practicing in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and is a Clinical Assistant Professor for the University of Washington School of Medicine. Locally, he serves as the Co-Medical Director and EMS Physician for Grand Teton National Park, Teton County Search & Rescue, Bridger Teton National Forest, and Jackson Hole Fire/EMS. Dr. Smith also serves as a Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve Medical Corps. COL Smith has practiced medicine around the world on 6 continents, from the ‘Baghdad ER’ to Easter Island. His combat experience combined with his pre-hospital EMS experience as a Paramedic, and his technical Search and Rescue skills have led to numerous speaking engagements at Wilderness and EMS conferences/seminars around the world. Dr. Smith has also been appointed to several national committees (American Heart Association), authored numerous book chapters and consensus guidelines on Wilderness and Rescue Medicine, and serves as a Subject Matter Expert for multiple DARPA projects. He has founded and runs Wilderness and Emergency Medicine Consulting (WEMC), LLC. More information can be found at www.wildernessdoc.com .
Scandinavian paediatric anaesthetist / intensivist.
Digital MedEd
Co-founder scanFOAM.org
Co-organiser CphCC & TBS-Zermatt (aka The Big Sick)
Medical lead REPEL (resilience in pediatric emergency life support)
Web dev SSAI.info