First off, if you subscribe to our facebook page, twitter feed, youtube channel, instagram account and our subreddit there’s a good chance you’ll pick up if anything major goes down.
The Youtube channel, specifically, has some great talks that we never find the time to tag and publish via the main site, so please show that some love by subscribing and using the bell icon to be pinged when new stuff comes out.
As a multilingual outlet catering to both our Scandinavian home crowd and a more international FOAMed audience, however, some may want a bit more control over when they’re notified of new stuff on the blog and podcast.
Skip down below for some options, or click this box here if you wanna nerd out a bit and hear about the underlying RSS technology.
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You can subscribe to an online outlet via its RSS feed. This is simply a snippet of code, essentially a list of available content, which is publicly accessible and shows what content is available at a given outlet.
The only catch is you need to know the address where the code, the list of contents, is available. It’s a bit like needing to know the frequency to find Radio Luxemburg back in the day. OK, I’m not that old, but you get the idea.
Hence the need to know the “feed adress” to be able to check when new stuff comes out from a blog, a podcast, a news outlet, a TV show etc. Dedicated software will be able to use this feed to continually monitor for new (and existing) content.
For podcasts you use a podcast app. Most know is iTunes, now renamed “Apple podcasts”, on iOS devices. On android there’s a plethora of options (I recommend pocket casts or podcast addicts). You can then either manually insert the feed address for the podcast you need, or find it in the directory or search functionality that is available through many of the apps. A lot of podcasts make sure to submit their feeds to big services like Apple podcast, Google play, Spotify, TuneIn, Soundcloud, Blubbry and more. We are no exception.
For more textbased or mixed content like news outlets, scientific journals, blogs and more) you can use an “RSS reader” which offers similar functionality.
We recommend Feedly as an excellent RSS reader.
We currently have 2 rss feeds for posts on (one multilingual, one English only) and 3 podcast specific feeds for our current content. That gives you some granularity.
Enough preamble.
I am a genuine Viking. Inform me of anything out on the site, blog or cast.
Copy into your app of choice or use this direct link for feedly
I am no Viking, but still pretty damn cool. I’ll take everything in English.
Feed url
Copy into your app of choice or use this direct link for feedly
I’m a podcast person and this feedly business is entirely too nerdy
Anæstesi A-Z (nordic language)
Or find us on your preferred distributor
The Talks | scanFOAM lectures (in English)
Or find us on your preferred distributor
Everything audio (the podcasts above + miscellaneous stuff, multilingual)
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