How do you become awesome at emergency triage?
Is it possible to create a perfect emergency triage system? How will triage work in the future?
This lecture from the Swedish National Emergency Nursing Conference (Akutsjuksköterskedagarna 2019) busts some triage myths, provides top advice from experienced nurses and offers a glimpse into the future of triage.
The lecture is in Swedish and has English subtitles.
Conflicts of interest
- I previously performed a project for Predicare (a non-profit company developing RETTS, a triage system commonly used in Sweden)
- I currently work for Doktor24, a digiphysical healthcare provider that develops and provides digital triage systems
- All the nurses that responded to the survey regarding triage
- SENA (Swedish Emergency Nurse Association) and Dagens Medicine for inviting me to speak
- Helena Forsén & Johan Hultgren (sharing their top advice)
- Sofie Naredi (valuable feedback)
- Therese Djärv and Patrik Nilsson (recording)
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Medical doctor and clinical innovation fellow passionate about Emergency Medicine and the intersection of science, EBM and technology. Currently leading medical innovation and development at a Scandinavian healthtech company.