Our very first guest contributor to the “How I Sim” series needs little introduction. She is an extraordinary educator, a fabulous female of FOAM, a SMACC Super Star and a person with cognition skills the rest of us can’t even imagine being in possession of. It is, of course, Victoria Brazil.
She tweets at @SocraticEM and for me Vic has been a great inspiration. Both professionally and on a personal level.
She exhibits truly impressive poise and command whether debriefing, teaching or talking and I’m sure most of you will have your own favorite “Vic-moments”.
“How I Sim”
Victoria Brazil
Gold Coast Australia
Current job
Director of Clinical Simulation, Bond University and Emergency Physician, Gold Coast Health
One sentence to describe your sim recently
- Immersed in research and literature review !
Favorite topics in sim
- Using sim for quality improvement. Embedded sim in hospital quality processes.
- OK,…. gadgets too :-)
Current sim project(s)
- Try to build a research program that builds on our operational simulation work on the Gold Coast
- Best practices in debriefing for in situ sim
- Simulcast ! (follow us on twitter)
How I see simulation scenarios
- Simple and SLOW. The ‘tempo’ of scenarios is not discussed enough.
- Well targeted at the precise outcomes desired, and the right balance in discipline sticking to that, but well-judged flexibility to change.
- I like the ‘functional task alignment’, rather than fidelity, as per Chris Hicks and Jesse Spur.
- Stopped at the right time. I use “Have we got what we need for the debrief?”
How I see debriefing
- Structured, but without a rigid ‘recipe’.
- An important connection with real patient care – ‘facilitated reflection’.
- Psychologically safe – easy to say – hard to create and maintain – respect, trust, positive regard.
- Exploring rationale for observed behaviors, but still keeping the time and focus tight.
- “Thinking on your feet” as per Kristian Krogh – using values, artistry and core techniques, while continuing own development.
- Important to seek and provide feedback with co-debriefer – encourages our own skills and culture in those honest, ‘direct AND nice’ conversations.
Simulation in the future
- I’m an optimist!
- Increasingly embedded in practice, quality improvement and education and training. But embedded appropriately for objective targeted and where the cost benefit is appropriate.
- Educators, clinicians and administrators ‘pulling’ sim into their work with expert input from simulation experts.
Your advice to any new sim’er
- Be clear on what you want to do before trying to decide how to do it.
- You can do anything, but not everything.
Your mantra
- “So what are you actually trying to do?”
I would like to nominate these three great educators in #FOAMsim:
- Jenny Rudolph (@GetCuriousNow) – surely needs no introduction in the sim world
- Walter Eppich (@LearnThruTalk) – one of the smartest folks I know – debriefing guru, and teaching us how to use lessons from sim to learn more from practice
- Gabriel Reedy (@gabereedy) – from Sailcentre in the UK. Not afraid to challenge dogma
Star skater, simulationista by day, anaesthesia by night and #meded choreographer. Coming to a SIM room near you. With a shark.
Great start for the “How I sim” series! Nice that you embedded links to papers and more information. If there will be some added questions for future sim people I would like to know 1: Favourite/Most important paper in medsim ? 2: Book recommendation on sim/human factors/performance
Hi Fredrik
Thank you for your feedback
Great comments! and great suggestions for additional questions for future guest.