Speaker info for CphCC2021

Info og forventninger til forelæsere til Copenhagen Critical Care 2021

We're transmitting cutting edge talks on physiology and critical care from Zermatt. Don't miss it.

A talk by Prof Adam Law on the patient experience of airway management before, during and after anaesthesia. Recorded at SSAI2019

Peer review gets some much needed expert scrutiny of its own by Prof Ioannidis in this talk from SSAI2019

Billions of dollars and vast human resources are wasted on poor research in healthcare. Why, and what to do about it? Opening keynote by metaresearch legend Prof Ioannidis from SSAI2019

A shout-out to the InterAnest project where Robin Lundén is building amazing video tutorials on clinical procedures.

Tobias Gauss talks about developments in AI and how this disruptive tech may contribute to OHCA management. Recorded at TBS18

Velkommen til indholdet fra etikdagen i Kolding i 2018.

Kan vi først lade patienter dø, når vi ved, hvorfor de er døende? Paneldebat fra etikdagen i 2018.

Oplæg fra 5 fagprofessionelle, som hver i deres virke må forholde sig konkret til mødet med mennesket i livets afslutning.

Døden har længe været et tabu i vores samfund. Men forholder det sig stadig sådan, og kunne det være godt, at der eksisterer et tabu om døden?

Peter Saul is a strong global voice on managing death and the dying in our modern society. A talk from ETIK2018.