
How I Sim – Peter Dieckmann

Another one of the giants of the sim world has generously agreed to share his “How I Sim” story with #FOAMsim and the scanFOAM audience. Peter Dieckmann is an organisational psychologist, originally from Germany where he also did his PhD,…

How I Sim – Jenny Rudolph

Next up in our “How I Sim” series is Jenny W Rudolph. You probably know of the Center for Medical Simulation founded 22 years ago where Jenny works; and to people in the world of sim she’ll need little introduction as we are well…

How I Sim – Jesse Spurr is proud to present our next contributor to the "How I Sim" series, Jesse Spurr, hailing all the way from Oz. He's an all round good bloke and a #FOAMed #FOAMsim star, being the co-host of, editor-in-chief of and simulation director at The Teaching Institute, just to name a few. Enjoy!

How I Sim – Victoria Brazil

This is the first guest contribution in our initiative "How I Sim" - a series that brings forth the voices of healthcare simulation for a speed round on their thoughts on sim. Who better to kick it off than Victoria Brazil (@Socratic_EM), a true #FOAMsim legend!

How I Sim – Sandra Viggers

Recently, I came across this question on Twitter and joined the conversation. Crowdsourcing …How could @MedSimulation foster online community for sim educators ? Blog? Podcasts? More Twitter posts? What content? — Victoria Brazil (@SocraticEM) June 22, 2016 Two replies caught…